Xiaomi shows the strength of Xiaomi Mi4 using live crabs

Xiaomi shows the strength of Xiaomi Mi4 using live crabs

Xiaomi has recently posted a video on their official Facebook page, where the use of live crabs and to test the strength of its Xiaomi Mi4 shown lobster, a test that raised considerable controversy and has not surprised many users.

 The video that we put at the end of the article which shows how the staff Xiaomi has chosen a couple of crabs and lobster for resistance test was originally published two weeks ago in China, but it was not until this weekend week when it was shared on the Facebook page Xiaomi officer.

 Stress tests on mobile, often very interesting and a great marketing tool for brands, but until today, Xiaomi is the only company in the world to live animals used for this test.

 In this test, shown as two crabs catch the Xiaomi Mi4 with tweezers and not damaged, and when they’re going to give the lobster, cut the video and wonder if the Xiaomi Mi4 pass the test this time. During this test, looks like Xiaomi staff puts the animal upside down so that when I put the vegetables or even a glass in the closing tweezers.

 Some users have posted as expected, comments expressing Discounted by the use of animals in the video, and even other reviews said they should have been more considerate of tastes and international ideals.

Xiaomi shows the strength of Xiaomi Mi4 using live crabs updated: February 16, 2015 author: Bob Gray

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