OnePlus One already has its own virtual reality helmet unofficial

OnePlus One already has its own virtual reality helmet unofficial

It is rare that a story we have to talk about three very different types of technology. In this case we will talk about how the OnePlus One has been transformed thanks to a 3D printer in a virtual reality helmet.

 The technology market is a sector that often you risk and successful, and which sometimes are missed very good ideas that can be viable and economic, by the thought of low demand you may have. For example the production of an accessory dedicated to a single device, often not commercially justifiable and never sees the light. Fortunately, thanks to 3D printers, the creation of custom objects and consumer tastes is getting cheaper and simple.

OnePlus One already has its own virtual reality helmet unofficial

 René Meeh is an example of how a good idea can become a reality, since this person decided his OnePlus One, was the perfect place to be used as a virtual reality helmet smartphone. Therefore he decided to build their own virtual reality helmet.

 Meeh thought it would not make a single hull, but you would complete and advanced, so you can switch between alia focal length, meaning it is the right product for people who have vision problems. This helmet also does not cover the rear camera, so it is also ideal for augmented reality applications.

OnePlus One already has its own virtual reality helmet unofficial

 To build this virtual reality helmet, René Meeh used a 3D printer called CTC is a Chinese clone of the MakerBot, two lenses, four bolts, a rubber band for fastening and a strip of foam.

 Thanks to the app “VR Player” which is available on Google Play Store, Meeh has also been able to use his helmet to watch a movie in virtual reality, and also be able to use voice commands thanks to hands free earphones and manage the different options through a Bluetooth command.

OnePlus One already has its own virtual reality helmet unofficial

 If you have the means and the will to do it, you can download the plans to follow from this link, where all the elements needed are also detailed.

OnePlus One already has its own virtual reality helmet unofficial updated: February 23, 2015 author: Bob Gray

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